Oh My Gods I Love This Book!!!

Oh My Gods I Love This Book!!!

Oh My Gods is about a girl named Phoebe Castro. Phoebe is a runner, she takes this trait from her father. Phoebe lives with her mom in Los Angeles, her father passed away when she was younger. She’s on the cross country team and she waiting for a scholarship and exception from USC (University of Southern California). She plans on going to this school with both of her friends, Nola and Cesca. These pair of friends are pretty much inseparable, nothing can tear them apart. Everything was going great for Phoebe, until her mom had news of her own. 
Phoebes mom met a new man who was perfect for her. His name was Damian. He was the other part of her that was missing. But they’re marrying next week! He’s from Greece which means Phoebe has to move from Los Angeles to Greece. Just when Phoebe’s life was coming together she has to move away from her dreams. How would you feel in Phoebe’s situation? If I were Phoebe I would be deeply devastated because I would have to go to a completely new place and move away from my friends. When Phoebe arrived in Greece she went to Damian’s house and there was her evil stepsister awaiting at the front of the house. Her evil stepsister’s name was Stella. To Phoebe Stella could be described as a spoiled brat. Phoebe had to attend a very high and elite academy. Damian was the director of the academy, he showed Phoebe the academy. Here’s when things get fun!
Before Phoebe went with Damian she went on a beach jog. Turns out she got lost in her jog because she was jogging for about 8 kilometers. Throughout the jog she got distracted by a gorgeous stunning guy, he had blue eyes and black curly hair. His name was Griffin. He led her back to her house as she forgot the trail. Griffin was a runner, which made Phoebe only more attracted to him. When she went to the academy she learned something interesting.Every person who attends this academy is a descendant of one of the gods or goddesses. Which basically mean everyone has powers. Yes, Powers. Phoebe was called a nothos and kako. These terms mean an outsider and bad blood. Phoebe hated being called these, then she met Nicole. Nicole was the only one nice enough to show Phoebe her schedule.
Nicole and Phoebe became great friends. Nicole changed Phoebe’s schedule so that they can suffer together. Phoebe then met Nicole’s friend Travis. Soon enough they all became these unseperable pair of friends, kind of like Cesca and Nola. If you want find out more about Phoebe’s love life or friends I would definitely recommend this book.


  1. So glad you liked this book so much! I can tell by reading your blog that you really enjoyed it and it made you happy reading it.


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