SOL Drawing

SOL Drawing 

The picture 

The drawing 

Above is an oil pastel art piece that I completed on the 17th of February, it’s a [modified] drawing of someone who is special to me. The words on the bottom are “He is drawn by the noise, walking towards it.”. This drawing was very accomplishing because I had tried drawing other photos of him which ended up in a complete distaster. Since I was looking at the photo I figured since I don’t really know what to draw I would draw this, I also chose this because it would allow me to finally use my oil pastels. 

In case you don’t know me I don’t really use color in any of my drawings, but I figured that color isn’t so bad. I really like working with bright and neon colors, colors that are out of the ordinary. Working with oil pastels is not extactly the easiest thing, I mean it looks easy but trust me it’s not. It pretty much gets everywhere, and warning NEVER EVER STEP ON AN OIL PASTEL!! This tip will definitely help you in the future.


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