Outsiders Book and Movie Comparison

The Outsiders Book and Movie Comparison

The Outsiders Book and Movie Contrast/Differences
Between the movie and the book there are very minor differences, one of those differences is the beginning. In the book near the very beginning it gives a brief summary of each character, while in the movie you find out more about the characters as it goes on. For example, the first scene where you meet Darry you see him yell and then push Ponyboy. This scene is quite a surprise because that’s all you know about Darry so far, while the book is the opposite and gives the reader background knowledge. Due to the beginning in the movie being different from the book the rising action is what the beginning seems to be, because the climax is near the beginning. Near the very beginning Pony and Johnny are with Cherry and Marcia, in the drive-in and when they are walking home. In the book the part where Johnny fights and kills Bob is in the middle, as for the movie, this scene is near the very beginning. This shows that the placement of the scenes are different from each other in both the movie and book. Therefore the movie and the book have very minor differences.

The Outsiders Book and Movie Comparison/Similarities 
 The book and the movie consists of many similarities. One similarity between the book and the movie is the characters. During the movie I felt that the character were really brought out from the book. One example of this is Johnny, In the book it described Johnny as a lost looking puppy, in the movie he looked very lost and fragile, therefore leading me to believe that the characters were really brought out. Another similarity is setting. The setting in the movie looks very similar to what I imagined from the book, there were kids fighting and getting in trouble. One specific scene I remember would be the church scene, because the book gave a very strong description of what the scene looked like, such as the fire and smoke everywhere, and it was shown in the movie. The plot is very similar as well, where Johnny and Ponyboy are hiding from the police, then they save children inside the church, and then they surrendered to the police. Lastly something very similar is really the story as a whole. The book was in pony’s perspective and the movie brought the same emotion. During the movie it felt like you were Pony, it really feels like the book. An example of this would be the Burning Church. You really felt what Pony felt, it felt like I was there in the smoke and fire everywhere, like the book therefore making them similar. Overall the book and the movie have many similarities from the setting, plot, characters, and etc.


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