Such A Relatable Book

Such A Relatable Book

Today the book I am discussing is It Gets Worse by Shane Dawson. The book is an autobiography which is mini stories of events that occurred. The genre is under Young Adult although there are some parts that are not considered appropriate. It's a very funny book which mostly describes the embarrassing moments that he went through. Each chapter is a different short story. Shane Dawson is one of my favorite youtubers, and because of his content I knew it was going to be hilarious. There were various moments were I would have to take a break because my stomach hurt from laughing too hard. The reason why this blog is called Such A Relatable Book is because I feel like I have and I still am experiencing very embarrassing moments.

My Favorite Chapter

My favorite chapter from the book is Lottery. Lottery is about Shane and his mom going to the liquor store because Shane’s mom said that god told her she was going to win the lottery. When this happened she was in church with Shane, they were there mostly for the free donuts and hot chocolate.  Later on they went to the liquor store to purchase ticket. Basically they wait for the announcement to see who the winner was of lottery was. To their disappointment they didn’t win. 
In the short film which is “The Lottery” (On Shane’s channel) it’s the same except their are more parts described. Before the winners were announced for the lottery Shane and his mom attended an open house. They had a mindset that they already won the lottery so they looked into houses that they would want to live in. After the winners were announced they were disappointed to find out that it wasn’t them because all of their dream items were far gone now. Eventually it showed Shane’s progress ten years later and how his YouTube career expanded which caused him to grow financially. He then surprised his mom with something they both had wished for, a house. It showed that hard work can pay off and dreams can come true if you put forth the effort and try your best. Due to these reasons I enjoy this chapter the most because it's inspirational to me in a way.

The Overall View Of The Book

Overall I would definitely suggest this book especially if you are into comedy because it shows the reality of life. Most books end on a happy note, although they don’t provide what happens in the end or what their happily ever-after life is like. This book is actually saying in the life there are ups and downs and there is no perfect happily ever-after life. Although sharing short stories doesn’t seem significant it is. It’s significant because your able to hear about someone else’s life experiences and how they work passed them. 


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