Grow Grow is a word I choose to live by this year. Grow for me means to be the best version of myself. This word connects to my life because it represents how I want to be. I want to grow my confidence, generosity, and maturity. The definition of grow is to become larger or greater over a period of time. Increasing my confidence, generosity, and maturity will help me achieve the best version of myself. Being the best version of myself will make me feel good because change is apart of New Years, starting off on a different note. If I am able to start off on this note and continue to live throughout the year listening to that word than I will be very proud of myself. I also chose this word because it’s challenging for me. Sharing my ideas and thoughts are not something that I can develop overnight, and grow means to become greater over a period of time which perfectly represents what I want the New Year to look like.