The Outsiders Making Connections

The Outsiders Making Connections

The article I read was “Healing  ‘Brick City’:  A Newark Doctor Returns Home”, it’s about a doctor who returns to his home, and it’s not exactly the best place in the world. He came from a rough background, but ended up excelling. This reminds me of Ponyboy and the settings in the Outsiders because although he comes from a harsh background he can be very successful in life with his intelligence, and as for the setting the environment that they grew up in.
                One quote from the article is, “I always had hopes and aspirations of doing more with my life”. I chose this quote because it reminds me of Ponyboy, I believe Ponyboy can do a lot with his life. I say he can do a lot with his life because he is very intelligent and he chooses to do what he believes is right. For example in the church he risked his life to save the children, therefore I think this relates to the outsiders. Another quote from the article is, “education can change a life. It changed my life, and it saved my life in so many ways.”. I think this relates to Ponyboy because even though his background and the obstacles he faced were cruel, there was something that made him stand out other than his sincerity, his intelligence. I believe that this relates to Ponyboy because he was very booksmart, which is similar to the character or person in the article.
              The article really connects to The Outsiders because of the setting of the article as well as the characters. The main person in the article is what I think is a representation of Ponyboy because he comes from a tough background and has become successful, because he learned what the right thing to do was. I believe Ponyboy can do the same thing as the doctor and become a successful person in life. Therefore I believe that there are many similarities between the setting and characters in The Outsiders and “Healing  ‘Brick City’:  A Newark Doctor Returns Home” article


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