3 More Quarters To Go!

3 More Quarters To Go!

First quarter is done, and there are three more to go. My thoughts on first quarter would be, “Interesting”. I feel like so much has happened. After meeting back up with my friends and catching up on each other’s weird summers I felt like myself again. In sixth and seventh grade it never really hit me that I was going to high school, but now that I’m in 8th grade, I’M FREAKING OUT! I am in a dilemma choosing which high school I want to go to, I’m interested in an art school, but I doubt I’ll make it. Moving away from that topic, lets talk about classes. Our school has 4 classes a day which means sitting in each class for 88 minutes, we also have a system where you have a certain class on a B-Day or A-Day(It’s every other day). For B-Day my classes from 1-4 are:Art, ELA, MATH, and SOCIAL STUDIES. On B-Days it’s: PE,ELA,MATH, and SCIENCE. My favorite class is Math, mostly because it’s easy for me to understand Math most of the time and for some odd reason, it’s fun.
Right now I have art and it’s fun, especially the pen unit. The pen unit is drawing except you are using pen instead of pencil which means if you mess up you need to improvise. I drew someone for my drawing and made them look like a tree. When I first attempted this project the drawing was too basic and I outlined the figure in pen, which we weren’t suppose to do. The second and final drawing I came up with something different, a tree. It may sound really weird but I tried to draw his figure as a tree in the rain. I decided to do this because the meaning of his name is associated with rain. This was the highlight of the first quarter for me. Thank you for reading, I hope you enjoyed.


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