10 Years from Now

In 10 years from now I would like to go to John Hopkins university and get a bachelors degree, major in neuroscience and minor in biology. Since John Hopkins university is in Baltimore I want to have a house in Baltimore with my sister and cousin. Along with that idea I want to have two dogs, don't know what dogs I want but I really like malamutes and huskies. Even though I want to live with my family I want to be independent, such as making my own money paying all these different things that my parents pay, well maybe not that independent but live as an adult. All in all I want to be very successful in life.
(There not mine, but they’re extremely cute)


  1. It seems like you're going to have a bright future. I like how you said you wanted to be independent but at the same time have your family around.

  2. Great goals! Keep up the positive energy!

  3. Wow! You have amazing goals. You seem very intelligent.


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