
Showing posts from May, 2018

It all depends on how you look at it

The butterfly is based off of the poem “It all depends on how you look at it”. The poem is about a person who is in a concentration camp in Terezin, and it shows the different perspectives that people see Terezin as.

Life is Beautiful Movie Review

Life is Beautiful “Life is Beautiful”, is truly a heartbreaking movie. Although we have gone to the museum, the movie had a really large impact. Watching a story even if it’s not entirely a true story had a very strong impact, because it feels as if you’re going through an adventure with them because you don’t know what to expect. I think the ending was really powerful, and it made me feel irritated and upset. In the story there’s a mom, father, and son, both the father and son are Jewish while the mother is not. Although she could have stayed and live a life without the labor, she chose to go with them because she loves her son and her husband as well. At the end the father died the night before American soldiers came to save the Jews and others. It’s sad to think if only he could have lived one more day, not even a day but for a few more hours, he could have been with his son and his wife who he loved so dearly.